doors are a great way to turn your standard Murphy Bed side cabinet selection into a beautiful curio for displaying your valuable collectables, or adding that special distinction to the overall look of the cabinet. If using the Murphy Bed side cabinet as a curio, it is recommended to purchase the cabinet light and the glass shelf option in connection with the glass door option for full effect. Glass doors add that additional touch of class to Wardrobe and Secretary cabinets too. Glass can vary in price depending on glass style selection (see glass types for a full explanation). Glass doors come standard with wood framing. The glass doors are also available with a “French Lite” which is a wood lattice work inserted between the wood frames across the face of the glass. French lites are provided by “special request” please make sure to mention them during the ordering process. 18-inch Wall Bed cabinets will have one glass door. Both the 24-inch and 30-inch cabinets will have two glass doors. Click here to learn more.