Will it hold it? Hot Tub vs. Wallbed

Wilding Wallbeds is proud to present the much anticipated follow up video to our “Will it Hold it” campaign. Our debut video of Volkswagen Jetta vs Wallbed was impressive and had us coming out of the gates strong. We were both nervous and excited to look to our fan base to see what ideas they might have for us next. We realized that our first video would be a tough one to top.
A Challenge Given
Our second challenge came from Bruce Hardy of Tropical Fiberglass Pools and Spas. Bruce has a storefront next to one of the Wilding Wallbeds showrooms in Southern Utah. Bruce has been in the Pools and Hot tub business for over 4 decades. He told us he would like to give us the challenge of putting one of his hot tubs full of water and people on one of our Wallbeds. Our first question was, approximately how much would something like that weigh? The answer came in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 lbs depending on how many people we added after the water.
Challenge Accepted!
We too said wow! But once again we were excited to take the challenge. We hope you enjoy this video of “Will it Hold it? Hot Tub Party vs. Wallbed”
About This Video
- This video was shot live without any practice runs.
- This hot tub was provided by Tropical Fiberglass Pools and Spas.
- The final weight of the hot tub and people came in at appx. 3,700 lbs.
- This was one of the beds pulled off the showroom floor
- No modifications were made to the bed
About Future Videos
- Each video will star a different bed from our showroom
- Wilding Wallbeds want you to submit your video ideas
- Crazy ideas are welcome
- Wilding has already chosen its third video. Although they are not telling you what it is, they will let you know that it involves something from the military!
The goal continues to be Two-Fold
First and foremost, the Wilding team hopes to have some fun with their current or potential customers! If the Videos are something you enjoy, please share them with friends and colleagues. As long as there is continued interest, Wilding has every intention to continue this campaign.
Second is the desire to impress on the general public that quality and durability matter. Wilding Wallbeds are custom made by master craftsmen in the USA using real hardwoods that are harvested from sustainable forestry programs.
Dedicated to be best Value

In the past, Murphy Beds and Wallbeds were synonymous with convenience. But unfortunately, they were also synonymous with cheaply made furniture that easily broke. The majority of manufactures were and are using laminates, particle boards and other subpar materials. Somehow the industry concentrated on lowest cost rather than best value. Decades ago Wilding Wallbeds was formed to create a product that not only functioned well, but one that would set a new standard for craftsmanship and durability. Wilding would focus its efforts on the best materials and fine craftsmanship. When the Wildings put their name on the product they wanted the public to know that they would not adopt the business mentality of selling items that needed replaced like razor blades. Wilding Wallbed is dedicated to keep its primary focus on custom furniture that will be used and loved for a lifetime.
Contact us: Email Wilding Wallbeds with your comments or ideas for future videos at: info@wallbedsbywilding.com. The Wilding Wallbed team is excited to hear from you soon!
Written by
Jeremy Andra
Director of Business Development